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This game is really challenging only expieranced gamers can finsh this game

10/10 chicken

Ok so imagine an eldritch fairy godmother descending from bulls#&% fairyland sprinkling glitter all over me shattering every bone in my body. And then she lovingly stitches me back together with barbed wire and hot sauce. And then she shoves into an Iron maiden on wheels as it rolls down to hell. While the souls of the damned scream out in a chorus "What's new pussy cat?" as a prince shows up with a smug entitled grin on his face. And he says "Let's dance Motherf$#%er!" as he pulls me onto a dance-floor. And we start dropping it like it's hot and for some reason my face is melting so I start aggressively beatboxing to hide the shame. And then he turns into literal Satan, draws up a contract and says "You signing this contract in blood would really be great."

(1 edit)

Yeah thats what this game feels like.